A Letter to Neale: Does the Soul retain memories?

Reader question:

Dear Neale, I am 1/2 way through your book "Home With God" - the 3rd I have read of your many writings. Maybe I haven't gotten far enough in yet, but I keep waiting for you & God to talk about whether or not we somehow hold onto the increased level of awareness we have achieved (and are achieving right now as a result of receiving His message through you) when we transition into future physical lives. In other words, will the strides that my soul has made in this...

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A Letter to Neale: Can we override the soul’s agenda?

Reader question:

Dear Neale, Thank you so much for your books and your online CWG course that I really enjoyed. You have filled my soul with the answers to the questions that were driving me to despair and I am truly grateful.

I now am confused with the soul's agenda vs personal creation. You have said the soul's agenda is always being met so where does personal creation come in to it, are we creating our reality with thought words and action or does the souls agenda always over ride...

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A Letter to Neale: We are all teaching each other

Reader question:

Dear Neale,  Is everything truly perfect? Can we trust life to put us under opportunities that we desire when we don’t trust ourselves? For example my dream is to become a spiritual teacher just like you, and with it a doctorate in psychology. Yet, Im not a High school graduate im strugling to get my GED im 23. And ive been procrastinating a whole lot. I feel tied up. Can I or should I trust life to give me the way? Joy, Truth, and Love to you, Neale. Thank you....

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A Letter to Neale: How do I converse with God?

Reader question:

Dear Neale... I was in your Conversation with God's class. I read your book When Everything Changes, Change Everything. Mr. Walsch I have so many fear and I don't even know where to begin to name them out. My greatest change---my husband, my best friend got killed on 09/12/06. I haven't been the same. Sometimes the fear of being homeless, fear of abandonment and fear that there’s not a soul on this earth who loves me enough to carry me through. Somewhere along the...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... I am writing this email with a very heavy heart, and am sincerely hoping you will be able to give me some comfort. On Wednesday I had to put my little dog down - he was a beautiful toy poodle, and was part of the family. He was nearly 14, a good age for a poodle, but that does not make the grieving any easier. Has God a special place for animals, Neale? He created them and loves them. God is love - love is God. Surely they have a soul -- they have...

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A Letter to Neale: What about what Jesus said?

Reader question:

Dear Neale... I have a question regarding one of the CWG books. It's about Jesus. You quote, I think, a few times the Bible verse, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life', but I was wondering about the second part of that verse that says 'no one comes to the Father except through me'.

I became a Christian around 6 years ago at the age of 34 and kind of believed everything the church told me. I eventually left the church as so much of what was said didn't add up...

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A Letter to Neale: How does God experience Itself?

Reader question:

Dear Neale... One question I've had about reading the books is this. If everything is all one (which I believe it is) then how is God really experiencing anything? For instance, how do we form relationships, or intimate relationships if we're all the same thing? Is free will just an illusion then, considering everything is God, it's God's will, not ours? How does God love "us" as his/her children when it knows it is exactly that. Isn't everything you have written, just...

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A Letter to Neale: How does ‘attraction’ work?

Reader question:

Dear Neale... I don’t know if here is the right place to ask this but, the law of attraction works only with physical objects? or can I ask for freedom, love, health...? Thanks

Neale Responds:

 Dear Friend --- The so-called "Law of Attraction" is one of the most misunderstood concepts in New Thought Spirituality. And to explain all that has been misunderstood about it would take an entire book. In fact, I have written just such a book, and you may find it...

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A Letter to Neale: What ‘non-awareness’ means

We apparently struck a chord with our narrative here last week about “non-awareness.” In that Bulletin we spoke about persons who find themselves set-in-concrete about How Things Are because of the handed-down beliefs of their ancestors and/or predecessors. We spoke about how difficult (if not impossible) it would be for such a person to even begin to consider the ideas of The New Spirituality --- ideas such as those found in Conversations with God that I believe are one pathway...
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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... What happens to us after death ? And Question 2: Is the Bible true? What parts of it can we believe ? Thank you.

Neale Responds:

My dear friend...I have written an entire book that proposes an answer to your question. The question itself is enormous, and the answer cannot be given in one simple 3 or 4-paragraph response. That is why I was given an entire book in response to the desire of all human beings to know what happens after we experience our...

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